Thursday, June 25, 2015

Random pictures from Riposto

Etna has been steaming.  The first picture was taken from Torre Archirafi - when we walked the sea with Nilla.

This morning I went up to the roof - it's a clear beautiful morning - and Etna is steaming like crazy.

The view was also very nice from the roof looking towards the sea.

They've been decorating the town in preparation for the St. Peters festival on June 29th.   We've watched them put up these arches on the main street - Via Corso Italia.   Last night was the first night they lit them.

Finally some random shots of the boys having fun.  This was in Torre Archirafi - they were climbing on big breakwater cement blocks.

We leave for Bologna tonight - next post later this weekend, from Bologna.  Expect food pictures. :)

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