Monday, July 6, 2015

Prague - Land of castles and sausages!

We arrived in Prague hot, tired, and... more tired.  We had taken the overnight train from Venice to Vienna, then changed trains in Vienna and headed over to Prague.  On arrival in Prague we located the ATM (to get some non-Euro local Kc currency) and where to buy the 24 hour transpo passes.   That taken care of we took a very easy, and very COOL metro ride to a few blocks from our apartment.  In the heat the cold air of the subterranian metro was very nice.   We found our apartment but the agent wasn't there.  (I'd said we'd arrive at 4pm, but the wires got crossed.)  So I called and we went next door (actually underneath our apartment) to a small restaurant and had a beer and some homemade potato chips while we waited.  Excellent.

I noticed something that made me very glad we aren't travelling by car - the car in the photo below has a ticket and a boot on the tire.   I witnessed the owners dismay as they realized they were screwed.

Once in the apartment we took much needed showers and went out exploring.  The apartment is in an awesome location - 2 blocks from Old Town square, 3 blocks from the Charles bridge.   Last night we went to Old Town Square.  They are having free concerts there this week and last night was a symphony and opera singers.  Amazing.  There were also lots of food carts and a hubub of excitement.  We ended up eating at a restaurant on the edge of the square where we could hear the music.  The food was "typical" Czech food - which in this case meant overcooked cabage and lots of pork - with pieces of bread to soak up the juices.... Heavy heavy heavy.   After that meal we went back and crashed.
Lou and the boys enjoying the concert at Old Town Square

This morning we headed out to Castle.  I'd done my research and knew that in this heat I did NOT want to hike up the hill - so we took the metro and planned to get the 22 tram...   Well google maps said 4 trams should have come while we waited - finally a 22 tram came... (Even the local were looking nervous at the lack of trams.).  The church and castle were most impressive.

Can you tell I enjoyed the stained glass?

We learned a lot of the history of the castle... but around noon decided to head back to our home base.  It's hot here in Prague - mid to upper 90's.   After dropping off stuff we headed back over to old town square, at Piero's request, to get SAUSAGE.   They know their sausage here.  LOL

Tonight after dinner we walked across the Charles bridge.   There was quite a buzz although it wasn't as crowded as the hordes I saw when I looked down from the castle.

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